8 Cool Zippy Earn Money Business Opportunity Qualities

Earn money with this Business Opportunity and be gainfully employed in 25+ countries.

Whether you are seeking to earn money, seeking insurance against unemployment  or just need a new challenge then this is for you. 

Never Be Without A Source Of Income

You need never be without a source of income and need never be unemployed.  

If you are between jobs or still working you can do this. You can do it full time or use flexible hours to supplement existing income.

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The question to ask yourself is ´Do I want to earn money that is regular monthly recurring income?´ 

Am I keen, determined, industrious and enthusiastic with an ambition to succeed in whatever I do?´ If so consider this.

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Earn Money – Business Opportunity

Firstly it should be understood that this is not a job. It is a Global Business Opportunity. A business opportunity by definition is a packaged business investment that allows the buyer to begin a business.

Unlike other more traditional businesses this business has low start up costs of less than the price of the cost of a cheap mobile cell phone.

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What This Means

This means with this that you have no boss. You work whatever hours you like. Earn what you like. Spend whatever time you want with your family. Suitable for the fit and able as well as those less fortunate health wise you work based from the safety of your own home.

It also means that you can work from anywhere in the world. You can even take it, the business, on holiday or vacation if you want.

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Business Opportunities mean different things to different people. This business opportunity comes as a complete package with everything done for you and provides everything you need.


Earnings – You Decide

This business opportunity offers the option to join my team and have access to earn money with unlimited income. You will decide how much you earn and I, Michael, will help you build your business until you are ready to fly on your own.

Earn Money Business Opportunity



For this business it is important to understand four things. 

Firstly – Money is only earned when you introduce someone to services or products and the person you introduced buys that service or product.

Secondly – When you introduce someone to a service or product and they buy that service or product this will generate recurring residual income.

This means that you get paid, not once, but month after month from your introduction.

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Thirdly – No money is earned from recruiting people.

Fourthly – You do not have to recruit anyone if you do not wish.

Expanding Your Business

Recruitment is just another way of expanding your business.

Just like a shopkeeper would employ more staff to expand his or her business. These other people (new staff) help the shopkeeper rather than the shopkeeper trying to do it all themselves.

Any new people you do decide to introduce become Independent Business Owners themselves just like you will be. You will want to help them get started just like you will be helped.

All this will be explained in more detail if you decide to take that leap of faith to safeguard your future.

If you are looking for a business opportunity that has and is changing lives I would encourage you to go to the form below and register now to see the business opportunity webinar.   

Expanding Customer Base

The business opportunity is with a progressive, motivated and expanding company. It is long established with a proven record over 25 plus years.

You can join from any of the 25 plus countries it is based and in which you live.

See the flags of the countries below. Presently UK, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Columbia, Mexico, Peru, Japan and South Korea. 

All these countries are also your customer base. You are not restricted to just introducing your services and products in the one country you live.


The Company

A little about this services and product based company.

They are an award winning company and members of multiple DSA´s (Direct Selling Associations) in multiple countries.

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They also have 6 physical offices located around the world with over 1200 employed staff to support me and you in your new business.

Ability To Communicate

You don´t need any previous experience to do this business. Previous sales experience may help but is not essential. More important is the ability to communicate with people and to be able to tell them about your services and products.

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It is just like telling people that you went to a good restaurant last night.

You tell people about the restaurant for free but with this when you tell them about your products and services and they buy you get paid.

However if you don´t feel that you have these skills do not worry, you will be taught everything you need to know.


You do not need any formal qualifications of any sort. You do need to be of legal age in your country to have your own business. Have an address and bank account in that country so that you can be paid. 

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Once you enrol your status will be as an Independent Business Owner or IBO.

Remember that you can also be in partnership with a friend or relative to do this.

Existing business owners looking to expand and diversify in these difficult times can also do this. Read the article on how you could combine and work with your present staff. It is an idea that may help.

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8 Qualities That I Am Looking For

Applicants need to have certain desirable qualities. 

These are the eight qualities that I am looking for in applicants:

Team Player
Won´t Be Beat Attitude
Polite and Courteous

Level Of Interest

If you have read this far then one can assume that you are interested in safeguarding your future.

Here is further information as to why this business opportunity is so powerful. However first a word of caution.


There are many, many people who have become rich and many, many, who have and are living a very comfortable life style with this business opportunity business model.

Although you will know this already I need to say to you that no work means that you will not earn money.

This is a fact of life and this business opportunity is no different.

However if you embrace this you will never look back. It will give you purpose, security and income.

Earn Money Business Opportunity

Fortune 500 List Companies

The business model that you will be shown during the business opportunity webinar is proudly used by Fortune 500 lists companies.

It is the Network Marketing Business Model.

You will find Wall Street analysts and others around the world heaping praise on the network marketing (MLM-Multi Level Marketing) model.

In the 21st century, it is beyond any question whatsoever that network marketing is not just an accepted business model but is a coveted business model.

Today, you will find companies past and present listed on Fortune 500 lists conducting their businesses through the network marketing business model.

Advertising Benefit

When you become an Independent Business Owner with me, Michael,  another benefit that you will get access to is both free advertising and also an option to take a share in syndicate advertising.

This is provided independently by me not the company that you will be an Independent Business Owner of. 


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What Do You Want To Do?

If you are interested in knowing more just complete the form on this page below.

I will then arrange for you to see a business opportunity webinar for your country which will be over Zoom. You may need to download the Zoom software to watch this.

This is when you will really see how powerful this business is.

Think and Grow Rich´by Napoloeon Hill

When you sign up you will get the free e-book.

The business classic ´Think and Grow Rich´by Napoloeon Hill.

It is 237 pages and also contains the 57 excuses people make for not doing something.

No matter who you are you will have used at least one of them.

Furthermore, after you have seen the webinar, I will send you on request a free copy of my 28 page e-book ´The Power Of Network Marketing´.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Who Is This Business For?
It can be done by anyone.

“Nothing has ever been achieved by the person who says, ‘It can’t be done´.” Eleanor Roosevelt

How Much Can I Earn?
Earnings are unlimited. The more customers you get and the faster you  work the more you earn.

“It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop.” – Confucius

What Age Do I Need To Be?
There is no upper age limit to start this business. There are people aged 18 to very, very senior. 

Remember Col. Sanders did not start KFC Kentucky Fried Chicken until he was 67 years of age.

What People Are In The Business?
People of all professions and all backgrounds are in this business.

There are students and retired people.

Housewives to house husbands, existing business owners to former unemployed.

Real estate agents, nursing home staff/proprietors, law professionals, nursing professionals, accountants, engineers, security guards, IT professionals to name just a few.

It is not what you have done in the past but what you do in the future that matters.

“What I always say is, ‘Do every job you’re in like you’re going to do it for the rest of your life, and demonstrate that ownership of it.’”
Mary Barra – General Motors Chairperson and CEO

What Skills Do I Require?
No so much a skill. You need ambition and enthusiasm.

I can teach you everything you need to know but if you have no will or ambition to succeed there is nothing I can do for you.

“Every artist was first an amateur.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

How Big Is The Company?

Big, very big. Established over 25 years. 27 Countries. 4 billion euro turnover in last 5 years. 6 Physical offices around the world. 1200 permanent staff.

People are important to the business. Each and everyone. Both customers and Independent Business Owners. You are important.

“You don’t build a business, you build people, then people build the business.” -Zig Ziglar

Will I Have Heard Of The Company?

Maybe not. It is an award winning company but it does not advertise.

How Much Will It Cost Me To Get Started?

Less than the cost of some cell / mobile phones

“Some businesses do not cost much. Yet business owners can accomplish much.” Anon.

When Can I Get Started?

Immediately. Fill in the form. See the opportunity. Ask any questions. Make a decision. Get started.

“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” – Walt Disney

Sign Up Now To Watch The Business Opportunity Webinar And Find Out Now How Your Life Could Change.

There Is A Business Opportunity Webinar For Each Of The Countries.

Please complete each of the fields. You will be contacted by telephone with the date and time to view the business opportunity webinar.  

Remember To Make The Right Choice

OK I Want To Do This! How Do I Choose A Network Marketing Company?

When choosing you’re the Network Marketing Company here is some good advice to follow and factors to consider irrespective of how much it is to join.

How long has the business been established?

Is it an expanding company?

Is it a quality company?

Is it a company with physical offices?

Is it a company that also has permanent staff?

Is it a company that cares about the Independent Business Owners?

Does it have quality products and services?

Does it have a range of products or services or just one?

Can you sell in any country – say on holiday or business trip – or are you restricted to only one country?

Does it have good support and training?

Does it restrict how much you can earn?

These are some of the questions to ask.

Once you have them answered draw up a short list of companies and go for the one that you feel most comfortable with.

Pick the one that you will be proud to promote and gives you the most flexibility and has that quality feel about it.  

Giving People Exactly What They Want

Your greatest achievement in your business will be giving people exactly what they want.

We could not do this in the network marketing models that were used in the past, but today that is very possible.

However one needs to be careful in selection.

Some companies have similar products or services but may be restricted to one country whilst others have the same opportunities with multiple countries.

This means a multiple customer base and opportunity. 


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